
To apply for this position, please complete the following steps:

Step 1: Provide contact information

Step 2: Upload resume, CV or other supporting documents

Step 3: Complete the timed screening questions

Please note you once you submit application, you will not be able to apply again for the same position within 6 months. Thus please make sure you submit accurate information and all supporting documents and try your best in completing the screening problems.


Application Step 1

Contact information





Application Step 2

Upload Resume and supporting documents

Please upload your resume.

Maximum file size is 2Mb. Up to 10 files can be uploaded.

Allowed to upload file types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, png.


Application Step 2

Contact information




If the above information is correct, please click next to enter the answer, otherwise click Modify to modify. You can't modify this information after you start answering questions.


Application Step 3

Screening questions

Note this is a timed test! You have 5 minutes to complete 3-8 questions. Your answers along with all other application materials will be submitted when you click “Finish and submit” or when time is up, whichever happens first. Click the following button when you’re ready to complete this final step.


Application Step 3

Single Choice

Which of the following is true about pure virtual functions? 1) Their implementation is not provided in a class where they are declared. 2) If a class has a pure virtual function, then the class becomes abstract class and an instance of this class cannot be created.

A: Both 1 and 2
B: Only 1
C: Only 2
D: Neither 1 nor 2
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Application Step 3

Single Choice

Which of the following functions must use reference.

A: Assignment operator function
B: Copy Constructor
C: Destructor
D: Parameterized constructor
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Application Step 3

Single Choice

Which of the following is true?

A: Static methods cannot be overloaded.
B: Static data members can only be accessed by static methods.
C: Non-static data members can be accessed by static methods.
D: Static methods can only access static members (data and methods)
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Application Step 3

Single Choice

Which of the following is FALSE about references in C++

A: References cannot be NULL
B: reference must be initialized when declared
C: Once a reference is created, it cannot be later made to reference another object; it cannot be reset.
D: References cannot refer to constant value
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Application Step 3

True or Fal

Can a destructor be virtual? Will the following program compile?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base {
  virtual ~Base() {}
int main() {
   return 0;

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